Jaap de Visser elected as Vice-President of IACFS

Prof Jaap de Visser, Director of the Dullah Omar Institute has been elected as Vice-President of the International Association of Centers for Federal Studies (IACFS).

IACFS brings together 33 academic centres, institutes and think tanks from all over the world. It hosts an annual conference, issues research awards to young scholars and undertakes other activities to promote research and understanding of federalism and multilevel government.

Prof De Visser will serve under Prof Eva Maria Belser (Fribourg University, Switzerland), who was elected President. The other members of the Executive are Prof Alain Gagnon (Vice-President) from Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada and Mireia Grau Creus (Secretary/Treasurer) from the Institut d'Estudis de l’Autogovern, Barcelona.

After having served two terms as Secretary/Treasurer, Prof De Visser is delighted to continue in this new capacity: “IACFS brings together top institutes and scholars from across the globe. I’m honoured to be part of its leadership team as it places me, and with me the Dullah Omar Institute, right at the centre of this powerful network of top scholars on a topic that is so important for South Africa and the rest of the continent.”


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